Thursday, April 15, 2010

Missing Musings

Good evening, all:

I will be in Greencastle, IN this weekend seeing my son in his first full-length theatre performance. I think it highly unlikely that I will get up on Saturday morning to write my usual Musings. Please forgive my remission. Watch for Monday Morning Musings and please, be at peace.

Mugwumpishly tendered,

Corinne Corley

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The Missouri Mugwump™

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I've been many things in my life: A child, a daughter, a friend; a wife, a mother, a lawyer and a pet-owner. I've given my best to many things and my worst to a few. I live in Brookside, in an airplane bungalow. I'm an eternal optimist and a sometime-poet. If I ever got a poem published in The New Yorker, I would die a happy woman. I'm a proud supporter of the Arts in Kansas City. I vote Democrat, fly the American flag, cry at Hallmark commercials, and recycle.